Connect with me
I'm Jill, a 20 year old film and media student from Belfast, NI.
This is my corner of the internet to share my writing, creativity, designs and bits and bobs about my life that I hope will interest you.
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Happy Holidays!
Well my lovelies, the season is passing quickly and the end of the year is fast approaching - can you believe it?
I spent Christmas with my Mum, Dad, Grandad and Glenn; the usual clan. It was fab! I love the festive period for spending it with friends and family, even though I haven't felt overly festive this past while I still managed to have a ball.
Plus, Soap and Glory - yum! Talk about fab pressies!
Among a million other things, I also got a smoothie maker to get myself on the healthy bandwagon for next year - it's not a New Year's resolution, I have simply put it off to January as I knew I would pig out over Christmas, and believe me, I have!
I hope all of you have had a fab festive season and I continue to hope that you have an even greater new year and welcome 2014 with open arms.
Here's some snaps from my house this year - enjoy, and I shall be posting again soon.

Much love,
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Washington, New York & Boston!
Hello my lovelies,
Things have been a little bit hectic this past while - it seems that since my holiday everything has been all over the place.
I've had a fair bit of work to do and I'm also right in the middle of my UCAS application (nearly finished!) so it's safe to say that blogging has been the last thing on my mind.
I'm currently at a stage of winter blues, it could be due to the fact that I'm no longer living the dream in America, it could be that I'm experiencing a strong lack of money (I don't get paid until January) or it could simply be that I'm having a classic case of ''wahhhhhhhhh what am I even doing!!!!'' which tends to happen around this time of year, every year.
Those that know me well tend to know that it's nothing to worry about but to avoid me like the plague and wait until January when I eventually come out of this emotional/moody/psychotic phase.
Please note that I am not, nor have I ever been a crazy lady - though I must admit that I am accustomed to having 'mental breakdowns' similar to that of Julie Powell's in the film Julie & Julia...
Anyways, the holiday! Wow, it was amazing - the sights, the sounds, the cold.. ok, the cold wasn't that great but the overall experience was fabulous. I'm not going to go through every detail, I think I will just throw up some pictures and let your mind wander the cities on its own.
If you get the chance to visit the states, take it! Honestly, you won't regret it. Don't do a four hour bus tour of New York though, you'll regret that.
Washington DC was by far our favourite, it was so peaceful and tranquil and I could have stayed at the Lincoln memorial the whole week no problem, the atmosphere of the city was superb and everyone was so friendly!
New York was exactly how I had imagined it to be; loud, busy and inspiring - albeit it rained the three days we were there and it was -5 Degrees Celsius, but it was incredible to see the city come to life. Times Square is not to be missed and the Statue of Liberty along with the Empire State are simply incredible.
Boston was more or less a wind down to end the holiday; we only seen one day of it before we had to come home which was a shame, however it wasn't any less of an amazing city.
Things have been a little bit hectic this past while - it seems that since my holiday everything has been all over the place.
I've had a fair bit of work to do and I'm also right in the middle of my UCAS application (nearly finished!) so it's safe to say that blogging has been the last thing on my mind.
I'm currently at a stage of winter blues, it could be due to the fact that I'm no longer living the dream in America, it could be that I'm experiencing a strong lack of money (I don't get paid until January) or it could simply be that I'm having a classic case of ''wahhhhhhhhh what am I even doing!!!!'' which tends to happen around this time of year, every year.
Those that know me well tend to know that it's nothing to worry about but to avoid me like the plague and wait until January when I eventually come out of this emotional/moody/psychotic phase.
Please note that I am not, nor have I ever been a crazy lady - though I must admit that I am accustomed to having 'mental breakdowns' similar to that of Julie Powell's in the film Julie & Julia...
Yep, that's me alright. Except I'm usually not crying over a chicken.
Anyways, the holiday! Wow, it was amazing - the sights, the sounds, the cold.. ok, the cold wasn't that great but the overall experience was fabulous. I'm not going to go through every detail, I think I will just throw up some pictures and let your mind wander the cities on its own.
If you get the chance to visit the states, take it! Honestly, you won't regret it. Don't do a four hour bus tour of New York though, you'll regret that.
Washington DC was by far our favourite, it was so peaceful and tranquil and I could have stayed at the Lincoln memorial the whole week no problem, the atmosphere of the city was superb and everyone was so friendly!
New York was exactly how I had imagined it to be; loud, busy and inspiring - albeit it rained the three days we were there and it was -5 Degrees Celsius, but it was incredible to see the city come to life. Times Square is not to be missed and the Statue of Liberty along with the Empire State are simply incredible.
Boston was more or less a wind down to end the holiday; we only seen one day of it before we had to come home which was a shame, however it wasn't any less of an amazing city.
New York
So there you have it, a few pictures from my travels. Glenn and I had a ball and I can't wait to continue traveling, though the big question is, where to next?
I hope to get myself sorted over the Christmas break; I'm really determined to set up my business and actually do something with this blog. My ideas and ambitions are so close yet they seem to be slipping away, I gotta catch up and get back on track for the new year.
I hope you are all having a fabulous run up to Christmas, and I hope to be writing again soon.
Much love,
Monday, 2 December 2013
Don't worry, I'm still here...
Ok, so I've been gone for a long time; that's because I've been super busy and on holiday! Here's what I got up to while I've been gone. A separate post on my holiday will be up soon.
Saturday 16th November saw the opening of the Continental Christmas Market here at Belfast and so of course I had to get a snoop round - I love it so much, all the scents, colours, lights - it really is a big reminder that Christmas is on it's way.
Next up on my Saturday agenda, The Ladyboys of Bangkok! Not usually my cup of tea, but I really enjoyed this show! I didn't really know what to expect if I'm honest, and I had never really bothered to do any research on what they did or anything, however with some free tickets I headed to the show with my mum and sister.
Basically the show is some-what cabaret style, with lots of dancing and singing, well, miming - however if you look past that you can sit back and simply enjoy it. There is also a lot of humour in it, mostly a little bit raunchy, but that makes it even funnier!
If you don't know anything about the Ladyboys, the clue is in the name! They're men.. or at least, they were. But they are oh so stunning as women!
Only one question remains... where do they put it????? If you know what I mean!
Moving on to Sunday, it was time for Disney on Ice! Now, I love Disney, but I have never been overly keen on fancy shows or anything, however this definitely changed my mind.
The skating was phenomenal, and because it was all about Rapunzel, Snow White and Cinderella - I got to pretend to be a pretty princess for a night! Well, not really, but my inner child did have a ball.
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